White shoes can turn yellow for a variety of reasons. If the shoes are made of canvas or another type of natural fibre, they may be yellow due to exposure to sunlight. If the shoes are made of synthetic materials, they may yellow due to a chemical reaction between the shoe and something it has come into contacts with, such as grass or sweat. There are several reasons why did my white shoes turn yellow? in this blog post we explore some of the most common causes.

Reasons Why White Shoes Turn Yellow:

1. Exposure to Sunlight:

If your shoes are made of natural materials like canvas or linen, then too much exposure to sunlight can cause them to yellow. UV rays cause the fibres in the fabric to break down, which leads to discolouration. Due to this, it’s best to store white shoes in a cool, dark place when you’re not wearing them.

2. Sweat and Skin Oils:

If your shoes are made of synthetic materials like polyester or nylon, then they may be yellow due to contact with sweat or skin oils. The natural oils in your skin can cause a chemical reaction with synthetic materials, which leads to discolouration. If you perspire heavily, this can accelerate the yellowing process. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to regularly clean your shoes and allow them to air out between wearings.

3. Grass Stains:

Another common cause of yellowing shoes is grass stains. If you wear your shoes while playing sports or working in the yard, then the green pigments in the grass can rub off your shoes and cause them to turn yellow. To remove grass stains, it’s best to pretreat them with a stain remover before washing your shoes.

4. Improper Cleaning:

If you don’t clean your shoes regularly, then the dirt and grime that builds up on them can cause yellowing. This is especially true if you wear your shoes in dusty or dirty environments. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to clean your shoes on a regular basis. You can clean them by hand or in the washing machine, depending on the type of shoes you have.

5. Age:

Another common reason why white shoes turn yellow is simply ages. Over time, the materials in your shoes will break down and become discoloured. This is especially true if your shoes are made of natural materials like canvas or linen. To prolong the life of your shoes, it’s important to take care of them and clean them on a regular basis.

6. Chemical Reaction:

In some cases, white shoes may turn yellow due to a chemical reaction. This can happen if the shoes come into contact with chemicals like bleach or pool water. It can also happen if the shoes are stored in an area with high humidity levels. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to store your shoes in a cool, dry place.

7. Improper Storage:

If you don’t store your white shoes properly, then they may turn yellow. This is especially true if you store them in a humid environment or in direct sunlight. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to store your shoes in a cool, dark place.

8. Poor Quality Material:

If your shoes are made of poor-quality materials, then they may be more likely to turn yellow. This is because low-quality materials are more susceptible to damage and discolouration. To avoid this, it’s important to buy shoes made of high-quality materials.

9. Wrong Shoe Polish:

If you use the wrong shoe polish, then it can cause your shoes to turn yellow. This is because some shoe polishes contain chemicals that can damage the materials in your shoes. To avoid this, it’s important to choose a shoe polish that is specifically designed for white shoes.

10. Frequent Wearing:

If you wear your white shoes too often, then they may turn yellow. This is because the materials in your shoes will break down faster if they’re worn on a regular basis. To prolong the life of your shoes, it’s important to take them off occasionally and allow them to air out.

11. Not Enough Air Circulation: 

If you don’t allow enough air circulation, then your shoes may turn yellow. This is because the materials in your shoes need to breathe in order to stay white. To allow proper air circulation, it’s important to store your shoes in a well-ventilated area.

12. Heat:

If your shoes are exposed to heat for too long, then they may turn yellow. This is because the heat can cause the materials in your shoes to break down. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to store your shoes in a cool, dark place.

How To Prevent Your White Shoes From Turing Yellow?

  1. Wash your shoes regularly
  2. Remove grass stains as soon as possible
  3. Pretreat stains before washing
  4. Clean your shoes in a cool, dark place
  5. Store your shoes in a well-ventilated area
  6. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or heat
  7. Use a shoe polish specifically designed for white shoes
  8. Choose shoes made of high-quality materials
  9. Take care of your shoes and clean them regularly
  10. Don’t wear your shoes too often
  11. Allow your shoes to air out occasionally
  12. Store your shoes in a cool, dry place
  13. Avoid contact with chemicals like bleach or pool water
  14. Use a shoehorn when putting on your shoes
  15. Tie your shoelaces loosely to avoid creases

Final Words:

By following the tips above, you can prevent your white shoes from turning yellow. By taking proper care of your shoes, you can prolong their life and keep them looking new. Thanks for reading!

I'm Jiskcosn author of ShoeSelector.com. You can find me on the Internet, sharing information about Shoes & Boots that will help you make decisions about your footwear needs. I love writing about my favorite shoes! Ever since I was little, I've been obsessed with shoes. It's not unusual for me to have more than 100 pairs in my closet at any given time. My girlfriend always teases me about it, but she secretly loves when I buy her new heels! I've been running ShoeSelector since 2020. My goal is to provide you with all of the necessary knowledge needed before making your purchase decision and provide all this information in one place for those who are looking for it! I run this website with my team of like-minded individuals who share my passion for footwear. It's really important that we provide our readers with unbiased reviews and a Detailed Buying Guide so when you read something on this site it's always coming from someone who has actually worn them out there in the real world. You are more than welcome if you wish to connect and share your ideas. I am ready to help you with any questions about shoes that you may have, just leave me a comment.